Mighty Coq Fights

Play with your $COQ! (whitepaper) Contract v1.1 (snowtrace) Client v0.3

How To Play:

Step 1: Create a fighter! From the Fighters section, equip a Mighty Coq with armor, a weapon, and an item. Pay attention to the stats of the character as well. All of this comes in to play during fights.

When happy with the fighter, click the Create Fighter button, the associated cost will be displayed. There will be 2 blockchain transactions when creating a fighter, please be patient and approve both to continue.

Step 2: Select a fighter from My Fighters by tapping the Select Fighter button. Now you have the options of either initiating a fight (host) or joining a fight with the selected fighter.

If initiating a fight, select the entry cost and click the Initiate Fight button, the associated cost will be displayed. Both fighters will pay the same entry cost.

If joining a fight, find a fight in the Joinable section and click the Join Fight button, the associated cost will be displayed. Depending on if your on PC or mobile, the joinable fights will appear to the right of the screen or under the fighters section towards the bottom of the page.

With either option there will be two transactions, please be patient and approve both to continue.

Step 3: Once both fighters have joined a fight it will start automatically! Both Mighty Coqs will fight to the death and only one will come out as the winner. Most fights complete within a minute or two.

If you are victorious: Find the fight in the Hosted or Joined section and click the Claim Winnings button, confirm the transaction you will receive your winnings! You win 100% of your $COQ entry + 80% of your opponents $COQ entry. The other 20% of your opponents entry fee will be split between the community lottery and maintenance/development costs. You will also be credited with MCF credits equaling 80% of the total fight entry fees. In addition, when you claim you will automatically try your hand at winning the lottery!

If lost the fight: You lose your $COQ entry to the fight, however, you will be automatically credited with MCF credits equaling 20% of the total fight entry fees.


- 25% of the $COQ used to create every fighter is added to the lottery.

- 2.5% of the total $COQ entry for each fight is added to the lottery.

- The lottery is automatically played whenever you claim your winnings from a fight. There is a 1-in-150 chance of winning. If you win, you will be paid out your $COQ immediately!

MCF Credits:

- Earned after completing of every fight win or lose.

- Will be exchangeable 1:1 for the Mighty Coq Fight token when its released (details TBD)

- Limited NFTs will be released the same day as the token, they will only be obtainable using the Mighty Coq Fight token.

- Full NFT utility is still TBD. They will likely provide earn a % of the fees and provide governance votes.


This version is alpha, please report any bugs. Questions? Comments? Visist the Mighty Coq Fights discord!

Discord: https://discord.gg/3DBdMfGC

X: https://twitter.com/mightycoqfights

No joinable fights. Create one with using any fighter who is not currently in a fight!